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1 x Heater upper oven Pitsos
1 x Belt washing manchine 1161 J5 MAEL
1 x Interior laundry door wreath Siemens
1 x Belt washing manchine trapezoidal 3L474
1 x Heater Bottom Oven Ariston
1 x Oven selection switch Vestel 7 Positions
1 x Flange laundry thermostat Indesit
1 x Set manometers Refco APEX-8-DS Ø68 R22/134a/404A
1 x Entilator air 24cm Left
1 x Heater upper oven Vestel
1 x Shock absorber Siemens-Bosch 90 Newton Ø 8/13mm
1 x Incombustible asbestos cable Ø 10 mm
1 x Shutter washing manchine Balay-Pitsos
1 x Cooker oven thermostat Pitsos Pyrolize
1 x Hook shutter washing manchine Siemens
1 x Heater Bottom Oven Pitsos
1 x Sewage pump tires of washing manchine Pitsos-Siemens-Bosch
1 x Kitchen door hinge Siemens - Bosch Left
1 x Bread Bin Kenwood BM256
1 x Kitchen button switch pop Pitsos hob 4 positions brown
1 x Rubber soap - Laundry bucket Zanussi
1 x Timer Ardo EAS 9263.01A
1 x Heater Bottom Oven Aeg
1 x Heater upper oven Siemens
1 x Grill motor
1 x Oven lamp 15W - E14 WPRO
1 x Aromatic vacuum cleaner bag Profumino Pine
1 x Incombustible silicone cable Ø 12 mm
1 x Rubber door of washing manchine Candy
1 x Pompa washing manchine II straight with clamp Indesit New type
1 x Thermoswitches from door of washing manchine Brandt
1 x Belt washing manchine trapezoidal 9.5x1200
1 x M-spot Philips Halogen AlulinePro 111 12V 75W
1 x Kitchen button switch new type with a short axis brown
1 x Seal of Laundry 35x52/65x8/10 mm Ariston
1 x Kitchen button switch pop Pitsos hob 7 positions brown
1 x Seal of Laundry 22x40x8/58.5x14.5 mm Zanussi
1 x Belt washing manchine 1106 J4
1 x Bearing for washing mancine Zanussi Left
1 x Heater upper oven Siemens
1 x Seal of Laundry V-Ring VS/VA 20
1 x Switch On-Off of washing manchine 6 contacts short
1 x Kitchen hob Ø145mm 1000W-230V E.G.O
1 x Rubber supply Laundry hot water 1.5m
1 x Switch On-Off of washing manchine Siemens-Bosch-Pitsos 4 contact
1 x Belt for dryer 1936 H5
1 x Shock absorber Miele 120 Newton Ø 8mm ANSA
1 x Pompa washing manchine Candy-Zerowatt-Iberna
1 x Bearing 6203 2RS
1 x Rubber laundry vent Izola 74
1 x Shutter washing manchine Ardo
1 x Kitchen hob Ø145mm 1500W-230V E.G.O
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Heater upper oven Pitsos Heater upper oven Pitsos
0,00€  0,00€ 
Belt washing manchine 1161 J5 MAEL Belt washing manchine 1161 J5 MAEL
0,00€  0,00€ 
Interior laundry door wreath Siemens Interior laundry door wreath Siemens
0,00€  0,00€ 
Belt washing manchine trapezoidal  3L474 Belt washing manchine trapezoidal 3L474
0,00€  0,00€ 
Heater Bottom Oven Ariston Heater Bottom Oven Ariston
0,00€  0,00€ 
Oven selection switch Vestel 7 Positions Oven selection switch Vestel 7 Positions
0,00€  0,00€ 
Flange laundry thermostat Indesit Flange laundry thermostat Indesit
0,00€  0,00€ 
Set manometers Refco APEX-8-DS Ø68  R22/134a/404A Set manometers Refco APEX-8-DS Ø68 R22/134a/404A
0,00€  0,00€ 
Entilator air 24cm Left Entilator air 24cm Left
0,00€  0,00€ 
Heater upper oven Vestel Heater upper oven Vestel
0,00€  0,00€ 
Shock absorber Siemens-Bosch 90 Newton Ø 8/13mm Shock absorber Siemens-Bosch 90 Newton Ø 8/13mm
16,00€  16,00€ 
Incombustible asbestos cable Ø 10 mm Incombustible asbestos cable Ø 10 mm
0,00€  0,00€ 
Shutter washing manchine Balay-Pitsos Shutter washing manchine Balay-Pitsos
0,00€  0,00€ 
Cooker oven thermostat Pitsos Pyrolize Cooker oven thermostat Pitsos Pyrolize
0,00€  0,00€ 
Hook shutter washing manchine Siemens Hook shutter washing manchine Siemens
0,00€  0,00€ 
Heater Bottom Oven Pitsos Heater Bottom Oven Pitsos
0,00€  0,00€ 
Sewage pump tires of washing manchine Pitsos-Siemens-Bosch Sewage pump tires of washing manchine Pitsos-Siemens-Bosch
0,00€  0,00€ 
Kitchen door hinge Siemens - Bosch Left Kitchen door hinge Siemens - Bosch Left
0,00€  0,00€ 
Bread Bin Kenwood BM256 Bread Bin Kenwood BM256
0,00€  0,00€ 
Kitchen button switch pop Pitsos hob 4 positions brown Kitchen button switch pop Pitsos hob 4 positions brown
0,00€  0,00€ 
Rubber soap - Laundry bucket Zanussi Rubber soap - Laundry bucket Zanussi
0,00€  0,00€ 
Timer Ardo EAS 9263.01A Timer Ardo EAS 9263.01A
0,00€  0,00€ 
Heater Bottom Oven Aeg Heater Bottom Oven Aeg
0,00€  0,00€ 
Heater upper oven Siemens Heater upper oven Siemens
0,00€  0,00€ 
Grill motor Grill motor
0,00€  0,00€ 
Oven lamp 15W - E14 WPRO Oven lamp 15W - E14 WPRO
0,00€  0,00€ 
Aromatic vacuum cleaner bag Profumino Pine Aromatic vacuum cleaner bag Profumino Pine
2,00€  2,00€ 
Incombustible silicone cable Ø 12 mm Incombustible silicone cable Ø 12 mm
0,00€  0,00€ 
Rubber door of washing manchine Candy Rubber door of washing manchine Candy
0,00€  0,00€ 
Pompa washing manchine II straight with clamp Indesit New type Pompa washing manchine II straight with clamp Indesit New type
0,00€  0,00€ 
Thermoswitches from door of washing manchine Brandt Thermoswitches from door of washing manchine Brandt
0,00€  0,00€ 
Belt washing manchine trapezoidal 9.5x1200 Belt washing manchine trapezoidal 9.5x1200
0,00€  0,00€ 
M-spot Philips Halogen AlulinePro 111 12V 75W M-spot Philips Halogen AlulinePro 111 12V 75W
0,00€  0,00€ 
Kitchen button switch new type with a short axis brown Kitchen button switch new type with a short axis brown
0,00€  0,00€ 
Seal of Laundry 35x52/65x8/10 mm Ariston Seal of Laundry 35x52/65x8/10 mm Ariston
0,00€  0,00€ 
Kitchen button switch pop Pitsos hob 7 positions brown Kitchen button switch pop Pitsos hob 7 positions brown
0,00€  0,00€ 
Seal of Laundry 22x40x8/58.5x14.5 mm Zanussi Seal of Laundry 22x40x8/58.5x14.5 mm Zanussi
0,00€  0,00€ 
Belt washing manchine 1106 J4 Belt washing manchine 1106 J4
0,00€  0,00€ 
Bearing for washing mancine Zanussi Left Bearing for washing mancine Zanussi Left
0,00€  0,00€ 
Heater upper oven Siemens Heater upper oven Siemens
0,00€  0,00€ 
Seal of Laundry V-Ring VS/VA 20 Seal of Laundry V-Ring VS/VA 20
0,00€  0,00€ 
Switch On-Off of washing manchine 6 contacts short Switch On-Off of washing manchine 6 contacts short
0,00€  0,00€ 
Kitchen hob Ø145mm 1000W-230V E.G.O Kitchen hob Ø145mm 1000W-230V E.G.O
0,00€  0,00€ 
Rubber supply Laundry hot water 1.5m Rubber supply Laundry hot water 1.5m
0,00€  0,00€ 
Switch On-Off of washing manchine Siemens-Bosch-Pitsos 4 contact Switch On-Off of washing manchine Siemens-Bosch-Pitsos 4 contact
0,00€  0,00€ 
Belt for dryer 1936 H5 Belt for dryer 1936 H5
0,00€  0,00€ 
Shock absorber Miele 120 Newton Ø 8mm ANSA Shock absorber Miele 120 Newton Ø 8mm ANSA
20,00€  20,00€ 
Pompa washing manchine Candy-Zerowatt-Iberna Pompa washing manchine Candy-Zerowatt-Iberna
0,00€  0,00€ 
Bearing 6203 2RS Bearing 6203 2RS
0,00€  0,00€ 
Rubber laundry vent Izola 74 Rubber laundry vent Izola 74
0,00€  0,00€ 
Shutter washing manchine Ardo Shutter washing manchine Ardo
0,00€  0,00€ 
Kitchen hob Ø145mm 1500W-230V E.G.O Kitchen hob Ø145mm 1500W-230V E.G.O
0,00€  0,00€ 
Total: 38,00€ 
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